
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Book Review : Beautiful Code – Leading Programmers Explain How They Think

As programmer I am always looking for improving myself. One of the ways to improve is to study ‘the masters’. This is a norm for artists, architects etc. A new painter studies how other past master painters done their work. Initially they mimic their style and later develop their own. The mathematical equations, science concepts, programming have their own beauty. For a software developer, a really well written piece of software has its own ‘elegance’. It is a ‘work of art’. It is ‘beautiful’. But it is hard to describe that beauty to someone who is not a programmer. So this is book for software developers to understand the beauty in software.

This book gives you examples from master programmers and what they think about their work or about other master programmers work. It’s a great way to gain insights on how master programmers think about a particular problem.  This book has articles written by masters like Brian Kernighan (Inventor of C), Karl Fogel (lead developer of Subversion), Tim Bray (inventor of Web), Charles Petzold (Famous Windows programmer and book writer), Sanjay Ghemat (of Google), Yuihiro Matsumoto (inventor of Ruby) etc. It also has articles from diverse domains regular expressions, version control, language development (Ruby, Python),  numerical programming, bioinformatics, Web and search, etc.

One of most interesting article is by Arun Mehta on how he developed the hardware and software so that Prof. Stephen Hawking can interact with the world. The spec given was ‘Prof. Hawking can only press one button’. This article explains in detail how they developed the actual specs from the one liner. He explains basic design models, input interface, simple typing, word prediction, scrolling/editing/searching/macros etc. This software was developed in VB. Imagine you have given this ‘one line’ spec, what you will do? How you will proceed? It’s fascinating to understand thoughts behind all these ideas and design decisions.

First article is from Kernighan about ‘regular expression’ matcher that Rob Pike wrote for book ‘Practice of Programming’. It is truly ‘Beautiful code’. Small, powerful, elegant, does its job well.  I am really tempted to show you the code.
    /* match: search for regexp anywhere in text */
    int match(char *regexp, char *text)
        if (regexp[0] == '^')
            return matchhere(regexp+1, text);
        do {    /* must look even if string is empty */
            if (matchhere(regexp, text))
                return 1;
        } while (*text++ != '\0');
        return 0;

    /* matchhere: search for regexp at beginning of text */
    int matchhere(char *regexp, char *text)
        if (regexp[0] == '\0')
            return 1;
        if (regexp[1] == '*')
            return matchstar(regexp[0], regexp+2, text);
        if (regexp[0] == '$' && regexp[1] == '\0')
            return *text == '\0';
        if (*text!='\0' && (regexp[0]=='.' || regexp[0]==*text))
            return matchhere(regexp+1, text+1);
        return 0;

    /* matchstar: search for c*regexp at beginning of text */
    int matchstar(int c, char *regexp, char *text)
        do {    /* a * matches zero or more instances */
            if (matchhere(regexp, text))
                return 1;
        } while (*text != '\0' && (*text++ == c || c == '.'));
        return 0;

Just three small functions handle following regular expression constructs
c              matches any literal character c
.               matches any single character
^             matches the beginning of the input string
$              matches the end of the input string
*             matches zero or more occurrences of the previous character

I am always fascinated by small, powerful code. In 30 lines, this is one of most powerful code that I have seen. Here is the online version of this article

Personally I also like following articles,
  1.  Subversion’s delta editor By Karl Fogel.
    It helped me in understanding how subversion works behind scene. It also helped in developing versioning/delta storage scheme for a project. 
  2.  Framework for integrated Test : Beauty through Fragility by Michael Feathers
    Here Feathers talks about design of FIT (Framework for Integrated Test) framework by Ward Cunningham. (NOTE : Ward Cunningham is inventor of Wiki). FIT framework is just 3 classes. 
  3. Distributed Programming with MapReduce by Jeffery Dean and Sanjay Ghemavat
    This article explains the concepts and infrastructure ideas that drive the Google search. Hadoop project implements these concepts and brings it to open source world. 
  4. Linux Kernel Driver Model : The benefits of working together by Greg Kroah-Hartman
    Linux operating systems runs on everything from your mobile phone (Android OS is a derivative of Linux), to desktop, to servers to supercomputers. The driver model has to support diverse hardware requirements and various memory scales.
This is a book where you go back every few months, read different articles again and gain new insights. Enjoy.

Here are some links about the book.

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